本日:count up34
◇◇◇ ≪みんなでつくる学校≫  広島市立江波中学校 ◇◇◇

卒業生 答辞(英語)

Departing Words
Finally this long winter is over and spring has come.
We feel comfortable in the glorious sunlight.
In the spring of three years past, we entered Eba junior high school with hope.
We have grown immensely by support of a lot of kind people.
So we 223 students will graduate from this school today.
At the entrance ceremony, we had anxiety and anticipation about new beginnings.
In the outdoor activity, we could unite together through many kinds of activities.
We were also overwhelmed by seniors working hard at the sports festival and cultural festival.
Although we thought that “we have to lead the younger students like them”, the corona virus has begun to go around then.
We felt frustrated many times because we couldn’t go to school and participate in scho ol events.
However, it also made us realize that “normal is not normal we should be grateful to be able to do many things.”
The school trip was postpo ned twice, and it became only one day, but we could still make a great memory.
There were happy things and frustrating things in the 3 years we spent at this school.
Owing to these experiences, we have acquired many skills and improved ourselves.
I think i t means that we have walked together.
Friends… they made us confident by praising both our strengths and flaws.
They also laughed, cried, and worried dearly with us.
Your casual comments have been a source of emotional support.
Then, we became good friends through usual classes , unexpected events and soon.
Our classroom is full of smiles and laughter now.
We sometimes had troubles, but all of those are irreplaceable times.
In the future, we will walk different paths.
But let's keep on trying with that feeling in our hearts Also, we have been supported by many people for 3 years.
Local people have watched out for the safety of us every day.
Teachers have guided us with kindness and strictness.
One day, a certain teacher scolded for us.
A certain teacher listened se riously to our small worries.
We learned from you the weight of trusting a person and the importance of this day.
It all becamean asset in our lives.
And, at every turn we have been encouraged by our close family.
When we were trying hard, you gave us emotional support.
When we were thinking about future path, you cheered us and listened to us.
We can’texpress it with words, but we really appreciate it.
Thank you for standing by us all the time.
Please continue to give us your support.
Now, it's time to say goodbye.
We will flow off to the different places from here, Eba junior high school.
We promise to do our best from these precious memories and gratitude for all people on each way.
For these are our departing words.
Thank you so much.
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