本日:count up2
校訓「心たくましく 体すこやか 学びたしかに」の元、「安心して通える・成長できる・信頼される・責任をもつ」学校を目指します

The 1st Open Class Forum Coming Soon!

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●We will hold thme-based open class forums this year.
<swa:ContentLink type="doc" item="778">★★Click here for more info.★★</swa:ContentLink>
  We are going to categorize the forums by theme and show them in public. The open classes are featured with digital contents and Digital Textbooks based on the future school environment.
All applicants may not be accepted because of space limitations. First come, first served.

●<swa:ContentLink type="doc" item="779">No.3 Approach to Digital Contents in Learning </swa:ContentLink>〜Math with Innovation Awarded by Microsoft〜
The class consists of 2 awards we won in Pil Asia & Pacific Forum in Auckland, Newzealand.

Please include the following information in your email; which forum(s) you are going to apply for, what organization you belong to, and your name.
The maximum number of seats provided is 70 in the forums No.1, No.2, No.3, and No.5. Monitor room will be available.

Please send to: fujinokifs@yahoo.co.jp

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